Book Cover: Witch of A Godmother
Editions:Kindle: $ 2.99
ISBN: B089G655WD
Pages: 190

The most powerful witches live more than one lifetime.

I've come to realize that now. The natural order of things is for a mother to raise her children. Not the other way around.

My new housemate Kimberly doesn't know yet what (or who) her newborn daughter is, but I do. I was there when she was born and shared a short soul-gaze with my own mother. Someday, I'll have to break the news to Kimberly, but not today.

Or this week, it looks like. Not with all the shenanigans going on in Wind's Crossing.

Who would have thought buying a simple desk at an estate auction would lead to so much trouble for my little shop? The break-ins ticked me off, but I could live with them. I had my own way of handling things like that.

But when the last break-in yielded a dead body? Well, a witch has to draw the line somewhere.

Besides, I'm a Ravenswind Witch and head priestess of the Gemstone Coven. We don't rest until justice is served. One way or another.

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