Book Cover: Witch of a Honeymoon
Editions:Kindle: $ 3.99
Pages: 132

You need a vacation, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Turns out, it was murder. Or very close to it.

I allowed myself to be talked into taking an actual vacation. Not just any vacation, either. A honeymoon. And since my sister Sapphire and I had shared a wedding, we decided it would only be fair to share the honeymoon part of things too.

Meaning just the trip, of course. We'd be keeping our men to ourselves, thank you very much.

Still, seeing the Northern Lights had been on my bucket list for years, so I caved. Next thing I knew, the four of us were boarding a ship heading for Alaska.

It sounded like a great idea at the time. Lots of rest and relaxation, and yes, some added cuddle time too. It was a honeymoon, after all.

Unfortunately, the trip didn't exactly go as we had planned.

Trust Sapphire to book the same cruise as a killer and their target. And trust me to get between them.

My very first vacation just might end up being my last.

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